Important Patient Follow Up Notice - SADI and Gastric Sleeve

To SADI and Gastric Sleeve Patients From Over 3 Years Ago


Dr Lockie's is an evidence based practice which means we use the latest peer reviewed research and guidance from leading specialist organisations as part of our approach to surgery and patient care.

This can mean that from time to time we may need to review what we do and how we do it,  to ensure that our patients get the very best of care.

Dr Lockie is a fellow of a number of leading organisations, world wide, which provides guidance on the very latest in his fields of expertise, to help him apply the most effective methods of care to his patients.

This notice pertains to an advisory from one of the worlds leading bariatric organisations, the  American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) , of which Dr Phil Lockie is a Fellow. You can read the position statement here.

Follow Up With Dr Lockie

An ASMBS study of patients who had undergone a SADI or sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve) indicates that there is a risk of silent reflux which can have adverse health implications.

If you had one of these procedures 3 or more years ago we suggest you contact the practice on 07 3355 2011 as part of your ongoing care.

We would suggest  a surveillance gastroscopy be performed. This can be combined with a clinical consultation with Dr Lockie to establish if any further issues need managed.

When Dr Lockie performs surveillance gastroscopy, both he and his anaethetist will no-gap your health fund if you are a member of one.

Our reception staff is fully aware of this notification and can help you with the necessary appointments. These may include:

  • Consultation and support from your surgeon- Dr Phil Lockie.
  • Follow up bloods.
  • Nutritional support
  • Psychological support
  • The use of the Support Group

We Are Here To Help

If you have any questions or concerns about this advisory, do not hesitate to contact us.

Remember, the staff,  Vikki, Fiona and Bev, are at the desk are waiting for your call to help you re-engage or follow up . Phone 07 3355 2011.

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