First Men's Exercise Night A Success

Here at Dr Lockie's Practice, our cliinical team is always looking for opportunities to improve outcomes and increase motivation for our patients. We see helping to educate patients an important part of that quest.

With this in mind we, along with our exercise physiology associates, START Training, decided to hold our first Men's Exercise Night on August 11 2022 at the START Training studio in Stafford.

Exercise Physiologist and Operations Manager at START, Chris Zillman, conducted the session with an enthusiatic group of Dr Lockie patients.

Integrating Physical Activity Into Your Daily Life

Chris initially discussed how to integrate exercise within your lifestyle, as opposed to something which is done for 6 weeks then forgotten about. Habituating healthy habits which involve any physical activity can have a lifetime benefit.

Strategies included doing small things such as taking the stairs or walking to get coffee in the morning instead of driving. Every day, opportunities for a small amount of physical activity present themselves, so taking advantage of these opportunities can make a significant difference to our energy expenditure, muscular endurance and flexibility overall.

Home Based Exercise Program

For those who wanted to go the extra step, he also explained the general structure of an exercise program where the group conducted a strength and conditioning program which could be used in the home setting.

Overall, it was a great night and we look forward to similar sessions in future where we  hope to draw in more men looking to improve their health!

Book For A Free Initial Consultation

If you would like opportunities to attend free sessions like this, you need to be a Dr Lockie patient. You can achieve this by booking a free consultation with Shirley Lockie, SCOPE certified PNSA.


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