Dr Lockie's Blog - Latest News - 5

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The following article has been reproduced with the kind permission  of St Andrew's War Memorial Hospital, publishers of Best Practice Magazine. Currently bariatric surgery is the most e... Read More

Getting Fit In Ten Minutes (or Less)

Each January millions of people make New Years Resolutions to eat better, lose weight or exercise more. A staggering 8% of people actually achieve their goals, although your goal of cutting out all ca... Read More

Latest Research Shows Benefits of Lap Band Surgery for Type-Two Diabetes Sufferers

CORE Study The latest research coming out of the prestigious Monash University's Centre for Obesity Research and Education (CORE), suggests that Gastric Band (Lap Band Surgery) can be effective... Read More

Dr Lockie Awarded BSR Leading Contributor Status

Dr Lockie's Practice has started the new year in the best possible way by being awarded gold status of Leading Contributor for the Bariatric Surgery Registry (BSR). This award demonstrates the... Read More

Dr Lockie Awarded BSR Leading Contributor Status for 2017

For the second year running, Dr Lockie's Practice has started the new year by being awarded gold status of Leading Contributor for the Bariatric Surgery Registry (BSR). Dr Lockie and his team ... Read More

Dr Lockie's March 2017 Newsletter

We have just published our March 2017 Newsletter. As a preview you will find information about: Michele Van Vuuren's successful PhD Research Our participation in upcoming reseach proj... Read More

AHPRA disclaimer

*All information is general in nature, patients should consider their own personal circumstances and seek a second opinion. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks

Note From Dr Lockie

Medications will be assessed pre-operatively and post-operatively. With weight-loss and particularly after surgery, comorbidities can change for the better, particularly e.g., hypertension or diabetes. It is essential for your health that medications are discussed with you, your GP and/or any other specialists such as Cardiologist or Endocrinologist etc.

In addition, use of multivitamins, and alternative supplements should be discussed with the practice to promote your better health.

"Expert care - excellent results"


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