Dr Lockie's Blog - Blog for Patients - 7

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Avoiding Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery is Not a Quick Fix Weight loss can sometimes feel like a never-ending battle. If you are considering bariatric surgery or have already undergone surgery, it is important to rememb... Read More

Boredom Eating: Tips to break the habit

Eating When Bored  Can Lead to Unhealthy Eating Habits If you ransack your refrigerator, pantry and kitchen cabinets when you're bored, welcome to the club. Boredom does make you hungr... Read More

Important Information for Bariatric Patients re Alcohol

As part of our pre-operative advice we do talk about alcohol intake and bariatric surgery. A recent study from the U.S.A. looked at the effects of drinking alcohol after gastric bypass and sleeve ... Read More

Importance of Our Two-year Multi-Disciplinary Program

Two-year Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Permanent Weight Loss At Phil Lockie Surgery your support doesn’t stop once surgery is complete, we follow a two-year, multi-disciplinary approach to e... Read More

Dr Lockie Takes a Team Oriented Approach

Dr Phil Lockie's surgery takes a team approach to patients to help improve patient outcomes. This multi-disiplinary approach includes a pre-operative specialist, dietitian and pyschologist in addi... Read More

AHPRA disclaimer

*All information is general in nature, patients should consider their own personal circumstances and seek a second opinion. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks

Note From Dr Lockie

Medications will be assessed pre-operatively and post-operatively. With weight-loss and particularly after surgery, comorbidities can change for the better, particularly e.g., hypertension or diabetes. It is essential for your health that medications are discussed with you, your GP and/or any other specialists such as Cardiologist or Endocrinologist etc.

In addition, use of multivitamins, and alternative supplements should be discussed with the practice to promote your better health.

"Expert care - excellent results"


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